Thursday, July 03, 2008

Hello Singapore!

I'm in Singapore - here for a bit of business and to sort out a few things with my work visa.

There are plenty of ways to get from the airport to the city - taxi, minibus, underground train or public bus. After arriving last night, I chose the bus. Not just because I'm Captain Tightass, but because I figured it would be a cheap (SGN$2) way to see a bit of the city at night, rather than going straight to my hotel in the back of a taxi.

What struck me most about Singapore was its cleanliness and order. It's been a while since I revelled in the thrills of a stable footpath, or felt excited at the sight of a motorcyclist patiently obeying a traffic light.

However, it comes at a cost. After going for a night swim in my hotel pool (Angus - 6.5/10), I wandered down to the Darling Harbour of Singapore for a cheeky beer and a feed. The food was reasonably priced, but the beer...sweet baby Jesus...SGN$12 for a pint of local brew (AUD$9).

It made me think - when you pay for a pint, you not only get a beer, but also the footpaths, clean streets and stable public transport (tax). An old Greek bloke I used to labour with during my uni days used to say, "You pay shiiit, you geta shiiit", and the same applies when comparing Bangkok to Singapore.

With it's agricultural labouring past (and present!), it's really interesting to see the Thai forces at work struggling to convince traditionalists that complex exports (like IT, finance and investment) are the way toward the term 'Developed country'.

Anyway, enough about economics and standards of living.

I think I'll go to little India tonight. Should be a cracker.


Mum said...

Refreshment time for you. It must be just lovely to be in S'pore and having a change of scene. I hope you didn't take any chewing gum with you . . .!, I was staggered when a friend of ours, on returning home to Singapore took gum hidden in his bags as it is not available and a banned substance there.
Your dad lost his Akubra hat there in 87 - bought especially for our o'seas posting and left on a tourist bus at the first 'airing' - so he had to do without it for the entire posting in the UK. Your first visit there Steve, but no doubt not remember by you. Hope you have a wonderful time. Go and have a 'hotpot' for me. M xx

Belly said...

Refreshing indeed...and nowhere near as hot!

Will keep an eye out for Dad's hat.

Cass said...

Hope that you have a good time a-la Singapore style! Don't have a hot-pot for me 'cos that aint my style. Go and have a Singapore Sling instead for me! Party Time!

Belly said...

Cass - only managed a couple of pints of Guinness whilst watching the All Blacks/SA and Australia/France matches. Will leave the cocktails to you! There's a cool place here I'd like to take you when you come as well...excellent view and very cool cocktails.

And disappointingly, that awesome hotpot place we went to in Singapore has been converted into a Tony Roma's Italian chain restaurant!!

Belly said...

(When you come to Bangkok)