Monday, July 07, 2008

Cultural seensitivities

Picture this scene:

Partner of my NZ-based public relations firm walks over into my office area and starts chewing the fat with myself and the bloke who sits next to me.

Parter: "...yeah so he's retired and has bought a farm in the South Island to take up sheep and deering"
Me: "Is this one of your mates, *John*"
Partner: "Yeah - an old friend who used to work for the company"
Me: "And he's into deering"
Partner: "It's a good environment for it down there - a bit cold, but great pasture"

I think to myself, "I've never heard of blokes running deer on their farms, especially in New Zealand"...

Me: "Is deering common in New Zealand?"
Partner, puzzled: "Well, yes, has been for over a hundred years"
Me: "Oh, well I never knew, you learn something every day I guess. Must be a good market then for deering - what do they use them for, snags or something?"
Partner, even more puzzled: "No, milk"

Now by this stage, I've got absolutely no idea what's going on. I have NEVER heard of deer milk being sold as an agricultural commodity...better cut my losses and not ask any more questions...

Me: "Oh, OK then, cool"

It wasn't until about an hour later that I figured out he was saying "Dairying", not "Deering".

Cows, not deer.



Mum said...

Thank you so much for a terrific start to my day. So, so funny. Be careful of the number 6 - you may be wrong-footed there as well.

Cass said...

That's so funny! I always knew you had blonde hair!

Belly said...

Call me 1st-Class Captain Useless.

Glad you guys enjoyed it!