Sunday, March 16, 2008

A morning in the butterfly park...

I'd like to say that our time in Kuala Lumpur was a crazed affair consisting of massive nights on the cans and strategically reducing our excess luggage costs by losing our pants during huge booze fests. However, Muslim values filter through to the government's alcohol taxation policies (colloquially known as the 'sin tax'), so even though the general purchasing power of Malaysian Ringget is about a third of the Aussie Dollar, the beers are strangely more expensive.

Even more shocking is that the schmiddy also seems to have formed some roots amongst the draft beer-drinking patronage of Malaysia. Sweet holy baby Jesus, prophet of Allah...what is the world coming to??

However, I digress...

Our time in KL would be better described as more of a hippy earth-loving/cultural affair, more likely to be suited to a retired couple from Northern NSW.

Our second installment of 'KL by nature' was at the local butterfly park...some of these creatures were simply amazing. With pangs of Joseph Banks, I felt like I was discovering a lost world of butterflies and amazing natural beauty (bar the 30MYR entry fee).

OK, so you my be getting over the pictures of the flora and fauna of Kuala Lumpur and surrounds, but its tropical environment has simply developed so many amazing lines of evolutionary success that one can't help but marvel at it's delicious beauty. Here's a few of our favourite snaps...

One of Clare and my favourites...we called it the 'Dalmatian butterfly'. It was about 12cm across and really stood out amongst all of the garden's colour.

This one matched Clare's outfit...

Clare receives a few 'butterfly kisses'...


lovable_les said...

Wow - fantastic travel diary Steve. Love the modelling Clare. You don't dound a bit like an old retired couple from far north coast!! - - - well not that far north anyway. Thanks heaps for the tips on what to learn about blogging - now I'm totally freaked out. Congratulations on going wireless & getting the new lapyop which by now has been superceeded & is fully out of date but that's OK we non-techie folk can live with that unlike some secret government people who we both know but will remain nameless!!!
The butterflies are beautiful as were the animal shots - shagging monkeys? well what else ids there for a monkey to do? Think about it. As for the bird that took a dump & proceeded to eat shit - remember to NEVER ever be tempted to get intimate with one - - - not ever!!! Waiting for an update on Thailand and how you two are settling in. My love to you both - Les xxx

Belly said...

Thanks Les - glad you are enjoying reading the blog!

Try not to freak out too much about the anything, it's a new skill that takes a little bit of time to learn. And if you don't enjoy it, there's no obligation - at least you gave it a go!!

Re the monkey's shagging and birds dumping - I'm resigned to the fact that exhibitionism and freaky stuff is just what some people/animals dig. Each to their own. ;-)


Mum said...

These are just wonderful shots and is it possible for me to copy photos from your blog? I'd like to include the one of you both in the family snaps.

Belly said...

Of course :-)

Just right-click over whichever image(s) you'd like to keep, choose 'Save as', then name and file appropriately.

Then send me a cheque for the royalties. ;-)