Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ever wondered how old you are?

Try this link:

It basically work out how long it has been between two dates. I'm 9,219 days old and have been going out with Clare for a blissful 169,171,200 seconds.

Nerdy, yes. But brilliant if you're trying to work out how many days/minutes it’s been since you were married, been travelling, or your last alcoholic drink…


Mum said...

Interesting, 1726 weeks that Geoff and I have been married - rounded down (a bit like me!).

tim said...

It has been 7 years, 3 months, 13 days, 7 hours, 37 minutes and 32 seconds since we sat next to each other for the last time in Year 12 English.

Belly said...

I'm glad I'm not the only geek likes this little corner of the web!