Ben Harper
Last Wednesday night, Clare and I went on a hot date to see Ben Harper play at the Enmore theatre. It was excellent.
I've seen him twice now - the first was last year at the Entertainment Centre. This time round though, I was around 80m closer, enjoying every centimeter! What an awesome venue to watch live music!
How do I describe the concert? Well, how do you describe the man?? It was a mix of Carribean Marley-esque flow, raw funky bass, African percussion and a mix of impromptu unamplified free song. A bit like a pavlova really. A bit of an eclectic combination - sugar and eggwhite - but ultimately a tasty treat that still leaves you with a golden yolk to enjoy the next morning.
The crowd goes nuts over 'With my own two hands'.
No dirty asian girls eating out their beer bottles this time? Did you even make it to scruffy's for a bit of fisting action after the concert?
Great images again Steve - where does the talent come from? (obviously not maternally)
The Asian girls strayed away from the licking component of the night, mainly because only VB tinnies were available. I would have like to have escorted Julie Lo Mo as she showed off her new burberry skirt at Scruffs, but I had an important PR job to go to the next morning.
Can you please blog something?
Don't worry about Angus' ramblings. He went to Cranbrook.
Thanks for the lovely comments. x
Hey, I came across your site as I was searching for blogs or music dealing with Ben Harper. He is guest on our show tomorrow and we are seeking text/video comment questions. Please take a minute to submit something.
Ben Harper fan, ABC News wants to hear from you! Send in your video questions for the singer/songwriter and see if Ben answers them on “What’s the Buzz” Thursday June 21st.
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