Giving 110%...
A funny little opinion piece from this morning's SMH Online about language and sport.
Click here.
A funny little opinion piece from this morning's SMH Online about language and sport.
Click here.
Penned by
10:21 am
Labels: Media
Try this link:
It basically work out how long it has been between two dates. I'm 9,219 days old and have been going out with Clare for a blissful 169,171,200 seconds.
Nerdy, yes. But brilliant if you're trying to work out how many days/minutes it’s been since you were married, been travelling, or your last alcoholic drink…
Penned by
3:32 pm
Labels: Random
Penned by
5:24 pm
Labels: Politics (Asia), Politics (Australia), Politics (World)
At my last job working at a PR agency in Sydney, the 85% female workplace dominated conversation with topics ranging from the greatest ever Australian Idol moments, to some bloke called Max Factor and the benefits of fake tanning over sunbeds.
It’s a little different here in Bangers - my slightly more multicultural and sexually balanced workplace discusses issues spanning the best place to buy Asian jelly dessert portions, how to avoid the ghosts of the tsunami whilst on holiday and each person’s respective Chinese Zodiac animal, according to their birth year.
Apparently, I’m a pig. No doubt my sisters will have a field day with this.
I do find it hard to believe all of my contemporaries from 1983 can be homogenously classed into the above category, however with the Chinese set to take over the world midway through my generation, it’s probably best not to complain."PIG: Pigs are tolerant and generous, virtuous and peaceful. They are well liked for their honesty and warm natures. They aim to find the best in people and allow others plenty of freedom of expression. They are often imbued with the energy of wealth and the support of others though they are not concerned with accumulating wealth. They can be content with modest means. They rarely criticise others and are not vengeful and thus have few enemies. The Pig accepts the existing richness of life and doesn't demand more. They enjoy simple and earthy pleasures. In relationships they give love and affection and trust that they will receive the same. They possess considerable determination and if they set their minds on something will pursue it and attain it. Good careers are in music, food, writing, social work, gardening and looking after others."
Years: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007.
Penned by
3:08 pm
Labels: Thailand (Culture)
Clare and I spent Christmas and Boxing Day with a couple of friends down south this year, my first away from home. We chose Khao Lak, a town on the Western (Andaman) coast of Thailand, roughly 90 minutes north of Phuket. Khao Lak was the area worst hit area in Thailand by the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami, with water reaching 4km inland, hundreds of people dead, and years of tourist development lost.
Previously famed for diving, at Christmas the area still had a distinct lack of tourists, except for a busload of Frenchies bunking down at a French-themed resort down the road. Many hotels are still slowly being developed, as tourist dollars drip back into the area.
Despite no one really being there, we still had a killer time. We stayed at a pimping resort with two swim-up bars (yes, Angus and Willis, TWO). Unfortunately there was no strict dresscode for 65-year old German female bathers, so Clare and I copped quite a saggy eyeful.
The resort had a whole heap of stuff for hire including a windsurfer (my first time, great fun), bikes, table tennis etc. It was a relaxing antidote to a very stressful last couple of months at work.
Left: Our friends Kate and Clint exhalt after remembering they were on holiday with Clare and I.
Penned by
3:02 pm
Labels: Christmas, Khao Lak, Swim-up bar, Thailand (Travel), Travel
It's important to have pride in your appearance - to look sharp, if you will.
The lady who washes and irons our clothes evidently understands this importance and ensures that even my boardshorts are properly presented.
Penned by
1:51 pm
Labels: Fashion, Thailand (Culture)
Back at work now – a picture of my surrounds.
Note my fish Nit Noi, who has been residing here whilst I was on holidays. We also keep the blinds closed because a lot of the Thai staff here dislike direct sunlight due to excessive sun-tanning (which is quietly considered too agrarian and lower-class). As you can see, I need all the sun I can get.
Also of note is my tie, a Bt 100 number from Silom Rd, which a mate of mine Dave also purchased when visiting recently, keeping the cross-continental Bangkok tie-wearing dream alive.
You may also notice a new book on my desk I’m about to start reading, ‘The Diplomatic Dog of Barbados’ by Winfred Peppindink, delightfully sent to me for Christmas by another mate of mine, and literary connoisseur, Willis. It’s a tale of a diplomat's dog who makes good in the tough tropical sands of the Caribbean.
Just FYI.
Penned by
1:24 pm
Labels: Books, Thailand (Culture), Work
Penned by
12:27 pm
Labels: Books, Boozing, Cambodia, Concert/perfomance, Food, Malaysia, Moodie St, Politics (Asia), Rugby, Singapore, Sport, Surfing, Swim-up bar, Thailand (Culture), Travel, Travel (Adventure), UAE, Work