Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Cultural sensitivities (2)

A conversation with one of my heavily accented Thai colleagues as we walked back from lunch today:

Me: *Pointing to a street-side stall holder* " that guy selling ice cream already? It's not even that hot yet."
Thai colleague (TC): "No, he is selling a type of Thai drink."
Me: Oh, right, what kind of drink?
TC: "Iced brain drinks"
Me: "Sorry??"
TC: "Iced brain drinks, like in plastic bags with straws"
Me: "Oh, right"

It wasn’t until I got back in the office that I realized she meant ‘Iced blend drinks’.

God bress Thai accents.


tim said...

Ohhhh... Herro Mr. Berl.

Mum said...

Like one of my 'oh, right's' that I give frequently when I don't hear .....